Staff Office QUICK LIST Phone Numbers

  • Director - 723-7734
  • 1SG - 723-7745
  • Programs - 723-7593
  • DFAC - 725-7257
  • Admin - 723-7611
  • Supply - 723-7628
  • Training - 723-7621
  • CQ - 723-7314
  • FAX - 723-7700

Unit Address:

EUSA Religious Retreat Center PSC 303, Box 43 APO AP 96204-0043

Sign in at Our:GUESTBOOK


Welcome to the USFK & EUSA Religious Retreat Center, Seoul Korea

We would like to welcome you to the Religious Retreat Center or RRC, located on Namsan Mountain in Seoul Korea. On behalf of the Director, myself and the unit serving here we hope that this site will help you to make reservations and get to know a little bit about what we have to offer. See our History page for more. God Go With You! 1SG


Provide the logistical and technical support for ministry teams to conduct Spiritual Fitness Training for soldiers, family members, and authorized civilians.


Spiritual Fitness is the development of those personal qualities needed to sustain a person in times of stress, hardship, and tragedy. These qualities come from religious, philosophical, or human values and form the basis for character, disposition, decision-making and integrity. DA PAM 600-63-12

Whats to SEE at THE RRC

RRC Staff: E-mail address of RRC Staff
RRC History: History of the Religious Retreat Center
RRC Programs SOP: Program SOP for the RRC
USFK & EUSA Command Chaplain: The Command Chaplain Office

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